Salton 28m Stainless-Steel Drying Rack

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  • Salton 28m Stainless-Steel Drying Rack
  • Salton 28m Stainless-Steel Drying Rack
Now: R829.00
Was: R1,389.00

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    Salton 28m Stainless-Steel Drying Rack

Welcome to the product information page for the Salton 28m Stainless-Steel Drying Rack! This versatile and durable drying rack is designed to make your laundry experience more convenient and efficient. With its sturdy construction and ample drying space, it is the perfect addition to any home. Read on to discover the key features and benefits of this exceptional product.

    Product Advantages:
  • Ample Drying Space: With a generous length of 28 meters, this drying rack provides plenty of space to hang and air dry your clothes, towels, and linens. Say goodbye to overcrowded drying lines or cramped drying racks.
  • Durable Stainless-Steel Construction: Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, this drying rack is built to withstand daily use and resist rust and corrosion. It ensures long-lasting durability, making it a reliable companion for your laundry needs.
  • Compact and Foldable Design: The Salton drying rack features a foldable design, allowing you to effortlessly collapse it for easy storage when not in use. Its compact size ensures that it won't take up valuable space in your laundry room or closet.
  • Multiple Configurations: The drying rack is equipped with adjustable wings that can be extended or folded, providing you with different configurations to suit your drying requirements. Whether you need to hang long garments or delicate items, this rack adapts to your needs.
  • Easy to Assemble: Setting up the Salton drying rack is a breeze. With clear instructions and no complex tools required, you can quickly assemble it and start using it right away. Enjoy the convenience of hassle-free setup.
    Tips for Using the Product:
  • Space Optimization: Utilize the adjustable wings to maximize the drying space. Extend them for longer items or fold them to create more room for bulkier garments.
  • Proper Weight Distribution: Distribute the weight evenly across the drying rack to maintain its stability. Avoid overloading one side to prevent the rack from tipping over.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: While the drying rack is suitable for outdoor use, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may fade or damage certain fabrics. Consider placing it in a shaded area for optimal drying results.
  • Use Hangers for Delicate Items: For delicate clothing items, use hangers in conjunction with the drying rack to prevent stretching or misshaping. This method is especially useful for drying blouses, dresses, or other items that require extra care.
  • Regular Maintenance: Clean the drying rack regularly with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris. This helps to maintain its appearance and ensures smooth operation when folding and unfolding the wings.

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